Forest Fitness NI

Academy Sports Ambassadors

Academy Sports Ambassadors We are proud to announce the launch of our Sports Ambassador Programme, which we sponsor at Forest Fitness NI. The program is made up of a team of twelve 6th form ambassadors from Carrickfergus Academy with the aim of developing Sport within the school and the wider community. Watch this space as […]

Academy Sports Ambassadors
Academy Sports Ambassadors
We are proud to announce the launch of our Sports Ambassador Programme, which we sponsor at Forest Fitness NI.
The program is made up of a team of twelve 6th form ambassadors from Carrickfergus Academy with the aim of developing Sport within the school and the wider community.
Watch this space as we start to introduce more primary school sports tournaments, develop new sports within our school, and link our pupils with outside clubs and organizations.

Academy Sports Ambassadors and Sports in school can have many benefits, including improved physical and mental health, better teamwork skills, and increased confidence. 

Physical health
  • Being active can help children stay healthy and strong 
  • Regular exercise can improve the immune system, heart health, and lower cholesterol 
Mental health
  • Sports can help with mental states such as depression and anxiety 
  • Playing as a team relieves stress and fosters bonding among peers 
  • Vigorous exercise releases feel-good endorphins in the body 
  • Sports can help children build stronger relationships through teamwork 
  • Team sports activities can encourage initiative and responsibility 
  • Learning to manage themselves and respect others while having to think fast can make children more resilient 
  • Sports can make children more confident and happy 
  • Self-confidence has a significant role in the development of high school students fundamental traits 

Academic performance 

  • Research has shown that students who participate in sports activities in schools tend to perform better academically
  • This is likely due to several factors, including improved concentration, increased motivation, and better time management skill
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