Forest Fitness NI


Min Age


Max People



10 hours


S51 Airsoft “Escape from Tarkov” Game Day part one


Time; now is 08:00 Hours, 4th May 2024. You will be operating in the city of Tarkov, in the Norvinsk Special Economic Zone in Northwestern Russia.


Political scandals and the collapse of corporations have resulted in the social breakdown of Tarkov. Conflict between three warring factions has turned the zone into a shell of itself, with the remaining buildings derelict and the streets overgrown.

The zone has six distinct areas, known as Ho Chi Min City, Military Camp, Nuketown, Everest, Sangin, and Plane Down.

Friendly and enemy forces – the factions

Players can express, by private message or on the day, a 'first preference' faction and we will try to accommodate this. But for balance, you may be asked to play in a different faction. So please kit up so that you can play in at least two of the three factions.

Loadout requirements are designed to be easy to meet using mostly your normal kit and are described below for each faction. The right headgear for the faction is the most important single element. Bring headgear for TWO factions (and if you can, bring a primary weapon or weapons used by two factions).

Players of the original game or fans of the movie based on it are welcome to dress up for the occasion, subject to sticking to the overall rules below. Marshals will resolve any kit issues pragmatically on the day, to ensure everyone gets the most from the event. Marshals may also role-play Non-Player Characters, in some missions.

Missions will aim to have the 'look and feel' of the movie, rather than replicating the loot-gathering mechanics of the game. So you will play from the start with your full loadout and must bring kit for the full day with you, into the field, to your faction's patrol base.

Faction – USEC PMC

Western-based company, hired by a corporation called TerraGroup, to cover up the corporation's illegal activities in Tarkov,


Weapons - any M4 type; or any sniper rifle, pistol, SMG, or shotgun. If not in possession, other preferably Western/NATO primary weapons are allowed - except NO AK or other Soviet weapons.

Headgear – FAST (or any other) helmet; or any BLACK or CAMO cap/hat. No hoods/snoods, balaclavas or ski masks. Patches allowed.

Combats and webbing – any, but preferably NATO. BLUE armband or tape.

Faction – BEAR PMC

Created by the Russian government to investigate the activities of Terragroup.


Weapons - AK or other Soviet weapon; or any sniper rifle, pistol, SMG or shotgun. If not in possession, other primary weapons are allowed - except NO M4 type weapon.

Headgear – DARK EARTH or OLIVE GREEN baseball or woolen cap – NO camo, no hoods/snoods, balaclavas or ski masks. Patches allowed.

Combats and webbing – any, but preferably Soviet/WARPAC/Russian Federation. RED armband or tape.

Faction – SCAVS (scavengers)

Aggressive locals of Tarkov, are normally hostile to both BEAR and USEC.


Weapons - any.

Headgear – Balaclava, snood, hood or ski mask (any colour, worn UP); or bareheaded – NO hats/caps or helmets. Patches allowed.

Combats and webbing – any. NO armbands.


  • 12 years plus recommended, must have Airsoft experience, Must get permission from parents to attended.
  • All players will be Chronograph on arrival, and are subject to spot checks.
  • Change of clothes recommended, suitable footwear required (Boots)
  • Misconduct will result in removal from the event, No abusive behaviour towards other players or marshals will be tolerated.
  • Space must be booked online.

What's Included?

  • Entry to event
£30.00 / person

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